There are three types of sliders available such as default, min-range and range slider. The default and min-range sliders are the similar which is used to select a single value inbetween the min and max values. In case of range slider, it is used to selece a range of values.
To see the code snipet, hover the corrsponding demo and click the Code button inside of it.
The roundSlider not only means the complete round circle, it also supports the most commonly used circle shapes such as:
- Quarter Circle [ quarter-top-left, quarter-top-right, quarter-bottom-left, quarter-bottom-right ]
- Half Circle [ half-top, half-bottom, half-left, half-right ]
- Pie shape
To see the code snipet, hover the corrsponding demo and click the Code button inside of it.
startAngle | |
sliderType |
Due to the flexibility of roundSlider, the user can do any customization based on their requirement. Here, some examples for the basic customization.
To see the code snipet, hover the corrsponding demo and click the Code button inside of it.
The control provides the callback function for the tooltip value. By using that callback function we can customize the tooltip like any format.
As roundSlider uses the CSS3 transition for animations, so we can use any other transition styles for different animation effects.
To use different animation just enought to change the CSS property of "transition-timing-function". In the below example you can see, how to use the custom animation. To know more about "transition-timing-function", check here.